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  • Writer's pictureChurch of the Resurrection

2022 Annual Vision Meeting

Updated: Apr 25, 2022

If you missed our annual vision meeting, which took place Sunday Feb. 27th, or would like to

On Sunday, February 27th, Church of the Resurrection held its Annual Vision Meeting. It was a joyful, worshipful time together as we considered four key topics: our parish vision, ministry priorities for 2022, financial update, and property update.

We invited all attendees to submit questions and comments with the commitment that our Leadership Council and/or staff would respond within two weeks. Ten questions were submitted, with a few repetitions, and each has been answered below.

We appreciate the feedback given in person and in writing! Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any follow up questions or comments. These can be emailed to our clergy and staff team at

Questions and Answers

Will the Shady Oak land be sold before or after the YMCA location is settled?

Our preference would be to hold on to the Shady Oaks land until our long-term location has been finalized (which would include obtaining approval of the building plans by the Town of Flower Mound). However, we are cognizant of the high value in the market for land right now so we will list the land for sale, and it is possible we will sell the Shady Oaks land before all is finalized with the Town and YMCA. Our Leadership Council is committed to both strong financial stewardship and to walking by faith. If God asks us to “step out of the boat” before the footing of our next step is certain, we pray God will also give us the grace and courage to be obedient together. (Matthew 14:25-31)

What is the time-frame for making a go-no-go decision on the YMCA location?

We are in the midst of our due diligence with the YMCA and the Town of Flower Mound. From details such as parking arrangements and water retention requirements to the big-picture conceptual design of a new facility and sanctuary, there are many important items the Property Team is working to finalize. It will likely take another 4-6 months before we have conceptual designs and construction pricing and a development package to put before the Town for approval. We are thankful that the price proposed for the church’s portion of the land from the YMCA is reasonable and acceptable. We hope that all the remaining legal documentation and due diligence will be done and we are able to make a final decision and move to closing by the end of 2022 if not before. The closing would be contingent on the closing of a sale of the Shady Oaks land.

What is the target date for the ground-breaking of the new church?

The target date for ground-breaking will be contingent on many factors that are out of our control (but are in the control of our Lord) such as the time that it will take to get through the processes with the Town, raising the additional capital funds, etc. We will proceed with all deliberate speed but a ground-breaking would not be likely until mid-2023 at the earliest.

Has there been any other parties interested in the Shady Oaks property since the soccer organization rescinded?

There are several parties who have expressed interest. Our Leadership Council has interviewed multiple commercial property brokers/firms who will assist us in obtaining the best possible outcome for the Shady Oaks property. We anticipate selecting a firm and listing the property later this spring.

Are there any plans for additional women’s ministry activities (ex. Women’s bible study, parenting courses, women’s retreat?)

A few discipleship opportunities designed for women are planned for this year. The IF:Gathering Retreat is going to be offered later this spring. This fall, we will do a parish wide Bible study that will be hosted in smaller groups at various locations. Some of these will be women’s groups. We will offer family discipleship roundtables later this year. We hope to have one this summer and again in the fall around the topics of discipline and brain science!

Please elaborate on Fr. Brian’s comments regarding his change in work hours and compensation.

As many of you know, Fr. Brian is married to Dr. Jennifer Pape who practiced primary care, Pediatric Medicine in Flower Mound for the last 7 years. Just like the rest of us, they are committed to living a rooted, restful, and relational lifestyle— which is a vision that first begins in each of our homes and marriages — and which sometimes requires both spouses to make significant vocational adjustments.

At the beginning of the new year, Jen transitioned to a Pediatric Hospitalist position and Fr. Brian transitioned to a flex-schedule and a slightly reduced compensation. Jen now works a ‘7-day on, 7-day off’ rotation, so Fr. Brian’s work schedule has been adjusted to allow for the flexibility needed to support their young family.

Thankfully, this change is also empowering us to live into a collaborative, team philosophy of ministry. We think the new arrangement will be a win for everyone. As Fr. Brian shared in the Annual Vision Meeting, it is a move that promotes ‘equipping of all the saints for ministry’ and that values team at every level of our parish life.

Is Fr. Brian an ad-hoc member of every council or team? (Including the property team?)

The Rector serves as an ex-officio member of the Leadership Council. In accordance with our parish bylaws, the Leadership Council may create various committees of the Leadership Council and appoint members of the Leadership Council or any members of Resurrection to serve on them.

While Fr. Brian certainly does not serve as a member of every ministry team or committee, Fr. Brian does serve as an ad-hoc member of our Property Team.

Who is representing COR’s requirements in creating the common/joint use areas with the YMCA?

Our property team is made up of Vicky Gunning, David Stocker, Steve Westbrook, and Tommy Tucker. As the Senior Lay Leader of our council and our resident commercial real estate attorney, Vicky is especially involved in addressing the legal aspects of the common/joint use areas with staff and others assisting in the non-legal aspects. Additionally, Dean Moyer our Executive Director of Parish Life and Fr. Brian are both serving as ad-hoc members of the Property Team.

When will conceptual drawings of our worship space be available?

We should have our conceptual drawings of the entire property within 4-6 months. We are working collaboratively with the YMCA as they also design their new facility and together we plan detention ponds, parking, driveways, utilities, etc. and continue to finalize the joint development plan. The very early stage plans for the size and proposed layout of the sanctuary and multi-purpose parish hall and columbarium are in rough draft form and are subject to change depending on the Y’s layout, requirements by the Town, and other factors. The drawings will be shared as they become more concrete.

Who is the point of contact for the pediatric mental health initiative?

Stephanie Capshaw is chairing a working team to develop next steps for this initiative. She can be reached at We welcome all general inquiries about this initiative to be sent to Candice Cohlmia Unger at

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