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What is happiness? And how do I find it?


The Sermon on the Mount is Christ's teaching on the happy life in the Kingdom of God. Join us as we study Matthew 5-7 this Fall

Sermon on the Mount Overview

The Sermon on the Mount is the largest body of compiled teaching from Jesus in the New Testament. Since the earliest days, Christians have regarded it as foundational for understanding how to live as followers of Jesus. In it, Jesus teaches us the nature of the Kingdom of God and how it affects our daily lives.


In effect, Jesus teaches us how to find a happy life. Jesus begins the sermon by saying, "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." The word translated as "blessed" also means happy, satisifed, or flourishing. It describes a person who lives life as God intended and who experiences the present and future joys of citizenship in God's Kingdom.


If we listen and obey Christ's teaching, we will find that happiness doesn't look like the "American dream," but comes through a wise and righteous life, lived by faith in God alone.


This fall, Church of the Resurrection is going to study this passage of Scripture in depth. It is found in Matthew's gospel, chapters 5-7. This passage will direct our Sunday sermons, our Mesa Groups, and Family Ministries. We will offer a course on The Lord's Prayer and the Christian Life as a way to dive deeper into this foundational teaching from Jesus.


At the bottom of the page are recommended resources to help you go further in study, spiritual growth, and reflection. Also listed below are the fall schedules for Adult and Student Mesa groups.



How to Prepare

How to Prepare

Some ideas for getting yourself and your family ready to study the Sermon on the Mount

Matthew's Story


The Sermon on the Mount comes in the middle of a story, so it is important to know it! Here are a couple ways acquainted with the gospel according to Matthew.


2. Watch these videos which summarize the story.

Matthew's Themes


It will help to learn terms and concepts from Matthew. Here are a couple ways to get acquainted with Matthew's themes.

1. Watch this forum on 'The Kingdom of God.'
2. Learn about the significance of the Law.
Series Schedule

Series Schedule

Each week provides the main passage, live stream, spiritual practices, and children's videos and activities.



The Blessed Life

Matthew 5:1-2

Spiritual Practice: Examen

Spend 30 minutes one time this week answering these questions reflecting on your day and week. We recommend writing out your answers in a journal and discussing your reflections with a trusted Christian friend.


  1. For what moment today am I most grateful? What the least grateful

  2. When did I give and receive the most love today? When the least love?

  3. What was the most life-giving part of my day? What was life-thwarting?

  4. When today/this week did I have the deepest sense of connection with God and others? When the least?

  5. Where was I aware of living out the "blessed life" and the fruit of the spirit? Where did it seem absent?





For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: What is the happy life? Go through old pictures as a family and find some from a time when you would say you all were having a great time. Have everyone answer this question: What about that moment or event made you the happiest?


Then discuss what you think it means that Jesus wants to teach us how to have the Happy or Blessed life.


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week memorize the first Beatitude as a family.




Children's Video

Blessed are the Poor in Spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven!



The Poor in Spirit

Matthew 5:3-5

Spiritual Practice: Coming Soon.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Coming Soon


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week memorize the second Beatitude as a family.



Children's Video

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.



Hunger for Righteousness

Matthew 5:6

Spiritual Practice: The Examen is a way of prayerfully reflecting on where God shows up in our day. It has five steps, which usually takes 10-15 minutes a day. Typically, it’s best to practice at the end of your day.


Here it is in a nutshell:

1.     Become aware of God’s presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your awareness of God now and in the events of the day.

2.     Review the day with gratitude. Give thanks for even the small things – time spent with a friend, a productive work/school day, or even the first taste of coffee in the morning.

3.     Pay attention to your emotions. List some feelings that were present throughout the day (i.e. fear, joy, loneliness, contentment).

4.     Choose one piece of the day and pray from it. Ask the Lord to direct you to one element of your day. Focus specifically on that experience. Sit with it prayerfully.

5.     Look toward tomorrow. Ask God to lead you through tomorrow’s joys and challenges.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Take your kids out for lunch or dinner one day. As you go, ask them if they are hungry. Talk through how we â€‹can long for God and his righteousness in the same way that we long for food.


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week memorize the third Beatitude as a family.

Children's Video

Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth.



The Merciful and Pure in Heart

Matthew 5:7-16

Spiritual Practice: We will repeat the Examen one more time for this week. The Examen is a way of prayerfully reflecting on where God shows up in our day. It has five steps, which usually takes 10-15 minutes a day. Typically, it’s best to practice at the end of your day.


Here it is in a nutshell:

1.     Become aware of God’s presence. Ask the Holy Spirit to increase your awareness of God now and in the events of the day.

2.     Review the day with gratitude. Give thanks for even the small things – time spent with a friend, a productive work/school day, or even the first taste of coffee in the morning.

3.     Pay attention to your emotions. List some feelings that were present throughout the day (i.e. fear, joy, loneliness, contentment).

4.     Choose one piece of the day and pray from it. Ask the Lord to direct you to one element of your day. Focus specifically on that experience. Sit with it prayerfully.

5.     Look toward tomorrow. Ask God to lead you through tomorrow’s joys and challenges.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Rock Pile


Grab a marker and go outside with your kids. Find 6 rocks large enough to write on. Write these words on separate rocks: kindness, anger, bitterness, impatience, love, forgiveness. Take one at a time and explain the word to your child. Then ask them if it belongs to mercy or not. If yes, keep it with you. If no, tell them to throw the rock away from you. When you're done, ask them to explain what mercy means.


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week memorize the fourth Beatitude as a family.

Children's Video

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.



Peace, Salt, and Light

Matthew 5:7-16

Spiritual Practice: Coming Soon.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Coming Soon


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week memorize the fifth Beatitude as a family.

Children's Video

Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.



Christ, the Fulfillment of the Law

Matthew 5:17-20

Spiritual Practice: Hospitality during COVID

  • Create inventive ways to keep open to others in this unique time - i.e. chalk art or notes on your neighborhood sidewalks, drop off meal or food to someone who can’t get out, chat with cashier in grocery store

  • Listen to people: ask someone to tell you their story. Listen to the story as deeply as you can. Tell the person how much it means to you to hear the story. How does the story give you a deeper understanding of your friend, God, an or yourself?

  • Be a “preparer.” Preparing involves doing small things that show you care for other people: plan a quiet time with spouse or child, set candles at dinner table, trim the tree or bush away from the street or sidewalk.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes




Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week memorize the sixth Beatitude as a family.

Children's Video

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God.




Anger and Lust

Matthew 5:21-30

Spiritual Practice: Unplug from media - For 48 hours fast from the Internet, email, television, newspapers and magazines, radio stations and/or music of any kind, podcasts, video games. What will you do with your time? How will you entertain yourself? What relationships in your life need face to face time? Spend quality play time (time spent without purpose) with family or friends, read Bible or spiritual formation book, take a walk, handwrite letters, have coffee with a friend, exercise, create (paint/sew),  or pray.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes



Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week memorize the seventh Beatitude as a family.

Children's Video

Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God.



Covenant and Forgiveness

Matthew 5:31-48

Spiritual Practice: Coming Soon.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Coming Soon


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week memorize the eighth Beatitude as a family.

Children's Video

Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.



Secret Righteousness

Matthew 6:1-18

Spiritual Practice: Coming Soon.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Coming Soon


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week catch up and memorize any you haven't yet!

Children's Video

Practice reciting all the beatitudes together with the motions!



How to Pray

Matthew 6:9-13

Spiritual Practice: Coming Soon.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Coming Soon


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!


This week catch up and memorize any you haven't yet!

Children's Video

Practice reciting all the Beatitudes with motions. Next week we start recording!



What Do You Love?

Matthew 6:19-34

Spiritual Practice: Coming Soon.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Coming Soon


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!

Children's Video

Record a horizontal (16x9) video of your family reciting the Beatitudes together with the motions and email it to



Do Unto Others

Matthew 7:1-12

Spiritual Practice: Coming Soon.


For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Coming Soon


Memorization: During this series we will memorize the Beatitudes together as a church. Follow along with Kasey Shuler, Ellie, and Sarah to learn hand motions to help with memory. At the end of the series will put together a video of all our kids reciting the beatitudes with motions!

Children's Video

If you didn't get a chance last week, record a horizontal (16x9) video of your family reciting the Beatitudes together as a family and email it to


The Good, Stable Life

Matthew 7:13-29

Spiritual Practice: Coming Soon.

Live Stream

For Kids!

Family Activities: Beatitudes


Scavenger Hunt: Coming Soon


Memorization: Great job this fall! You can build on this work you've done and keep your 

Children's Video

Keep a lookout for our combined video!
Mesa Groups

Mesa Groups

Fall Schedule
August 30 The Beatitudes - Matthew 5:1-6 
September 4-7 Labor Day Weekend (No formal study)
September 20 Peacemakers - Matthew 5:9-16 
October 4 Internal Righteousness - Matthew 5:21-48
October 18 The Lord’s Prayer - Matthew 6:7-13 
November 1 What Do You Love? - Matthew 6:19-34 
November 15 Firm Foundation - Matthew 7:24-29 
November 22-29 Thanksgiving Celebration (No formal study)
We will break for Advent and resume group meetings in January. Consider a gift exchange or some sort of Advent or Christmas celebration as a group.


Spiritual Formation


The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness, by Tim Keller

Description: In this short and punchy book, best selling author Timothy Keller, shows that gospel humility means we can stop connecting every experience, every conversation with ourselves and can thus be free from self condemnation. A truly gospel humble person is not a self-hating person or a self-loving person, but a self-forgetful person. This freedom can be yours.


The Imitation of Christ, by Thomas A Kempis

Description: Only the Bible has been more influential as a source of Christian devotional reading than The Imitation of Christ. This meditation on the spiritual life has inspired readers from Thomas More and St. Ignatius Loyola to Thomas Merton and Pope John Paul II. Written by the Augustinian monk Thomas à Kempis between 1420 and 1427, it contains clear instructions for renouncing worldly vanities and locating eternal truths. 


What Did You Expect?: Redeeming the Realities of Marriage, by Paul David Tripp

Description: Somehow, someway, every marriage becomes a struggle. Everyone’s marriage morphs into something they didn’t intend it to be. At some point you need something sturdier than romance. You need something deeper than shared interests and mutual attraction. You need changed expectations, you need radical commitments, and, most importantly, you need grace.


After You Believe: Why Christian Character Matters, by N.T. Wright

Description: From the author of the acclaimed Simply Christian and Surprised by Hope comes a book that addresses the question that has plagued humans for centuries—what is our purpose? As Christians, what are we to do with that ambiguous time between baptism and the funeral? It's easy to become preoccupied with who gets into heaven; the real challenge is how we are going to live in the here and now. Wright dispels the common misconception that Christian living is nothing more than a checklist of dos and don'ts. Nor is it a prescription to "follow your heart" wherever it may lead. Instead, After You Believe reveals the Bible's call for a revolution—a transformation of character that takes us beyond our earthly pursuit of money, sex, and power into a virtuous state of living that allows us to reflect God and live more worshipful, fulfilling lives.





The Sermon on the Mount and Human Flourishing: A Theological Commentary, by Jonathan Pennington

Description: In this volume, a recognized expert on the Gospels shows that the Sermon on the Mount offers a clear window into understanding God's work in Christ. Jonathan Pennington provides a historical, theological, and literary commentary on the Sermon and explains how this text offers insight into God's plan for human flourishing.


The Sermon on the Mount, by Sinclair Ferguson (Video Series on Amazon Prime)

Description: In this 12-part series, Sinclair Ferguson teaches through the Sermon on the Mount and helps us understand their meaning for our lives today.


The Sermon on the Mount (The Story of God Bible Commentary, by Scot McKnight

Description: Emphasizing the historical distance between the New Testament and our contemporary culture, The Sermon on the Mount by Scot McKnight, part of the new The Story of God Bible Commentary series, offers helpful contextual insights for those seeking to discern how to live out the Bible in today’s world. Perfect for pastors, students, Sunday school teachers, and lay people alike, this highly anticipated series provides a clear and compelling exposition of the text in the context of the Bible’s overarching story.




More Videos

Below are two documentaries available to rent or purchase on YouTube.

American Gospel: Christ Alone

Does Christianity mean Christ + the American dream? American Gospel examines how the prosperity gospel (the Word of Faith movement) has distorted the gospel message, and how this theology is being exported abroad. This feature-length film is the first in a series.

American Gospel: Christ Crucified

The gospel message of "Christ crucified" has always been offensive. In our culture it is common for preachers to soften the offense of the cross, and the attributes of God that are displayed in the person of work of Jesus Christ. "American Gospel: Christ Crucified" explores how the paths of post-modernism and progressive Christianity lead to a different gospel, and a god created in our own image.

Church of the Resurrection

Mailing address:

PO Box 271447

Flower Mound, TX 75027


Weekly Gathering: Sundays, 10:00am

6000 Morriss Road

Flower Mound, Texas

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