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Family Ministries

Resurrection Family Ministries equips families to be and make disciples in the home as parents pass, children receive, and students own the Faith.

Our Strategy

for Families

Protection of Children and Teens

At Church of the Resurrection, we are committed to creating safe and loving community where children and families can worship God and grow together in Christ. From screening staff and volunteers, to implementing policies and procedures, to training in abuse awareness, we take direct action to prevent and respond to harm toward minors.




Family Discipleship is the task of training our children in the way of Jesus Christ. It is the intentional use of time and energy for teaching our children to know and follow Jesus in all areas of life.  

Four Focus Areas

We have identified four focus areas for Family Discipleship in our context. These are parts of life that are increasingly difficult to navigate in wise and distinctly Christian ways. Click the arrow under each topic to learn more.


How do I teach my kids about sex and sexuality in a healthy way?


How do I set boundaries and set an example for the wise use of technology in our home?


How do I discipline my kids, and teach them to be responsible?


How do I set up our time to make sure we aren't over committed and busy?



Resurrection Children's Ministry partners with parents in passing the faith to our children. The primary place of instruction is at our Sunday service on Sunday mornings. We prioritize reading and discussing the story of Jesus's life and ministry, as well as engaging artwork to complement the story.We also help by resourcing you throughout the year and fostering a community where children and parents grow together.

Children and Teacher in Kindergarten
Group of Friends Going on Excursion

Student Ministry

Student Ministry at Church of the Resurrection helps students own their faith. Through the process of Confirmation, Catechism, and commitment to fellowship in Student Mesa Groups, students have the opportunity to understand and internalize the Christian Faith for themselves. We pray for students to form deep friendships with one another and a close relationship with God as they live life on mission for the sake of the lost. Click the link below if you have any questions, or visit our Events page to learn about the next student event.

Parents Pass

Parents have the primary role of disciple making in the lives of their children. Family Discipleship is the process of passing the Faith to our children, teaching them to follow Jesus with their lives.

Children Receive

Children from birth through elementary school are in the prime of their formative life. They receive and internalize the Faith as it is passed to them by parents and the church.

Students Own

As Students grow through middle and high school, they must learn to own the Faith, choosing to follow Jesus for themselves.

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