Table fellowship is integral to the story of the Bible and to the way God relates with humans. As we saw in our post on being relational disciples, God's own relational nature is on display in the Trinity and in Jesus's life on earth.
Jesus came to do many things. He came to heal, teach, and ultimately die for our sins and rise again. Yet, it is commonly overlooked that he came "eating and drinking." Jesus shared meals with his friends, the outcasts and sinners, and even his enemies.
This method of dining with sinners was never on Christ's own turf or terms. He went to those who needed him and they hosted him. Jesus modeled for us a core principle. Christian mission is expressed by going to the other and meeting them where they are. This is the Third Table of the Christian life.
As we go about our lives, we have the opportunity to meet others where they are, on their terms. Jesus emptied and denied himself for the sake of others. At our places of work, in our neighborhoods, in school, in extracurriculars, we have the chance to love others and take the light of Christ to them in word and deed.
Building relationships at the Third Table ultimately gives us the opportunity to invite others into Second and First Table relationships. We are called to bridge the gap between where people are and where they could be in Christ.
Making disciples of all nations means showing and telling the gospel in front of a watching world and inviting those people into deeper relationship with and obedience to Jesus Christ.